A Unit of Asian Institute of Gastroenterology
The Division of Surgical Gastroenterology at AIG Hospitals Hyderabad has highly skilled and experienced surgeons. The surgeons perform about 10000 operations annually with a very high success rate. The surgeons of AIG hospitals have expertise in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, colorectal surgery, bariatric surgery and surgical oncology including breast and head and neck surgery. They are well recognized for their performance of complex surgeries with good outcomes. AIG Hospitals surgeons practice in an atmosphere of team spirit, constantly upgrading their skills and knowledge by attending and conducting international workshops. They carefully analyse their large surgical volume in terms of outcomes and innovations The surgeons undertake a multidisciplinary approach for complex surgeries. They participate and initiate investigator promoted clinical trials radicalising new approaches for surgical gastroenterology including liver, and pancreas. The surgeons interact closely with other specialists including critical care in a collaborative manner for better care of the patient. There are 16 state-of-the-art operating rooms that are equipped with the latest surgical equipment. These include hybrid or robotic OT and transplant OT. Postoperative care is provided in ultra-modern ICU’s under the guidance of highly qualified critical care and well-trained nursing team. The care of patients is extended to home by providing rehabilitative services The surgical team is backed up by efficient support services who strive for achieving the highest patient satisfaction.
Chief of Surgical Gastroenterology & Minimally Invasive Surgery
Associate Director - Colorectal Surgery
Associate Director - Foregut Surgery
Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist
Junior Consultant
Junior Consultant