Stem cell and regenerative therapies are the most exciting and emerging therapies in medical science. It is a branch of medicine which studies the role of the use of human cells or tissues to revert or improve a chronic medical condition. The stem cell research involves basic and pre-clinical studies followed by use in humans as a part of approved research projects.
Our institute had experience of involvement in a stem cell in liver diseases since 2013 where our initial work on autologous hematopoietic stem cell in liver cirrhosis showed a promising result and was published in peer-reviewed journals. Currently as approved by the ICSCR the institute is involved in the use of mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells in two clinical studies in liver cirrhosis.
List of Investigators and consultants
- Dr Mithun Sharma: Hepatology: Principal Investigator
- Dr P N Rao: Chief of Hepatology and Nutrition
- Dr Jagdeesh R Singh: Interventional Radiology
- Dr Mahesh: Interventional Radiology
- Dr Ganesh J: Hematologist
- Dr Santosh D: Anesthesia and critical care
- Nitin Jagtap: Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Dr D N Reddy: Gastroenterology
A pilot project on the use of MSC in patients with brittle diabetes in chronic pancreatitis is ongoing. Islet cell transplantation is been carried out in the institute as a part of another approved research project in chronic pancreatitis.
List of Investigators and consultants
- Dr G V Rao: Medical Director: Islet Cell Transplantation
- Dr M Shasikala: laboratory director: Islet Cell transplantation
- Dr Mohsin Aslam: Principal Investigator
- Dr D N Reddy: Gastroenterology
- Dr Rupjyoti Talukdar: Clinical pancreatologist
- Dr Pradeep Rabela: Dept of GI Surgery
- Dr Jagdeesh R Singh: Interventional Radiology
- Dr Mahesh: Interventional Radiology
- Dr Santosh D: Anesthesia and critical care
- Dr Mahesh Shetty: Dept of GI Surgery
List of Investigators and consultants
- Dr Rupa Banerjee: Principal investigator
- Dr D N Reddy: Gastroenterology
- Dr Jagdeesh R Singh: Interventional Radiology
- Dr Mahesh: Interventional Radiology
- Dr Santosh D: Anesthesia and critical care
The following are the ongoing clinical studies with the Principal Investigators :
- Autologous HSC in patients with liver cirrhosis: Dr Mithun Sharma
- Autologous MSC in patients with liver cirrhosis: Dr Mithun Sharma
- Use of MSC in Type 3 diabetes in chronic pancreatitis: Dr Mohsin Aslam
- MSC in Inflammatory Bowel disease: Dr Rupa Banerjee
- Islet cell transplantation in chronic pancreatitis: Dr G V Rao ( Medical Director), Dr M Shasikala ( Lab director )
The following are involved in basic science research in regenerative medicine under AHF :
- Dr M Shasikala: Scientist
- Dr Pavan Kumar: Scientist
- Dr J Shasidhar: Scientist
- Mr Paparao: Lab Technician
- Mr V V Krishna: Lab Technician