Hypertension is the most common preventable cause of death in adults and it contributes significantly to the majority of cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular accidents, chronic kidney disease and peripheral vascular disease. Moreover, studies have shown that only 30-40% of the patients have optimal control of their high blood pressures.
Our hypertension Clinic is designed to diagnose and manage different kinds of hypertension as recommended by the latest international and national guidelines.
- We evaluate each patient according to the clinical presentation and prescribe appropriate medications as indicated.
- Blood pressure is measured using clinically validated blood pressure monitors and appropriate cuffs.
- Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is performed to detect masked hypertension and white coat hypertension.
- Lifestyle modifications and diet advice according to Dietary approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH diet).
- Protocol-based diagnosis and management of essential hypertension.
- Diagnosis and management of secondary HTN associated with OSAHS, RAS, Pheochromocytoma and renal parenchymal disease.
- Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) for the diagnosis of masked HTN, white coat HTN and better management of non-dippers and reverse dippers.
- Renal angioplasty for Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS).