A Unit of Asian Institute of Gastroenterology
The doctors in the department of hepatology involves a group of focused doctors specifically trained to diagnose and manage liver diseases. The group of experienced doctors backed up with the state of the art diagnostic and interventional support renders a very comprehensive care in the field of liver diseases. The unit is well versed with the up to date standard of care regimens in liver diseases and also has a liver transplant unit and a dedicated liver intensive care unit for the critically ill patients. Emerging treatment modalities like regenerative liver therapies involving use of stem cells are carried out as a research protocol in the Institute.
Stem cell and regenerative therapies are the most exciting and emerging therapies in medical science. It is a branch of medicine which studies the role of use of human cells or tissues to revert or improve a chronic medical condition. The stem cell research involves basic and pre-clinical studies followed by use in humans as a part of approved research projects.
Director - Hepatology
Director - Hepatology and Regenerative Medicine | Consultant Transplant Hepatology
Sr. Consultant - Hepatology and Liver Transplantation
Consultant Hepatology