Dr. Vivek Sreekanth

Consultant - Interventional Radiologist

Interventional Radiology





Professional Synopsis:

Dr.Vivek is well-versed in Ultra Sound Guided (USG) and CT guided FNAC’s and Biopsy also catheter drainage for collection/abscess. He is trained in conventional angiography and embolization for intra-abdominal vessels, liver directed interventional therapies like chemo embolization and radio embolization.

Dr.Vivek is competent in Percutaneous Biliary Interventions (PTBD) for benign and malignant conditions, Liver ablation therapies (Microwave and RFA) and also in performing central venous catheterizations (PICC, Ports and dialysis catheter).


  • Kumar JU, Sreekanth V, Reddy RH, Sridhar BA, Kodali N, Prabhu AS. Screening Mammography: A Pilot Study on Its Pertinence in Indian Population by Means of a Camp. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2017 Aug: 11(8): TC29-32
  • Vivek S, Acharya D, Ravichandra G, Vinayaka US. Tongue base Schwannoma: a rare entity. JOURNAL OF EVOLUTION OF MEDICAL AND DENTAL SCIENCES-JEMDS. 2015 Mar 5;4(19):3389-94.
  • Kumar JU, Aradhyula K, Sreekanth V, Bonasade M, Kumar A. Utility of Maximum Intensity Projections in volumetric HRCT lung in the evaluation of diffuse lung diseases. Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine : Accepted for publication.
  • Joish UK, Sahni H, Reddy RH, Sreekanth V. Clinical radiology: Going an extra mile for patient care. Indian J Radiol Imaging. 2017.
  • Kumar JU, Reddy RH, Sinha P, Kodali N, Sreekanth V. MRI Evaluation of Local Extent of Carcinoma Cervix–Is Post Contrast Imaging Needed in Every Case?. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2017 May;11(5):TC15.
  • Ravichandra G, Aravinda M, Usman SM, Vivek S. USG and MRI correlation in the evaluation of meniscal lesions of knee. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2014 Sep 25;3(47):11331-8