Areas Of Interest/ Expertise:
Diagnostic Radiology Interventions especially in pancreatic, hepatobiliary & GI related
- PTBD (percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage) – in cases of carcinoma gall bladder & Cholangiocarcinoma (Type 1 -4), providing surgical access, cholangitis Intrahepatic stone removal through T- tube tract
- PCD (Percutaneous drainage) Liver abscess, collections secondary to pancreatitis, Cystogastrostomy, ruptured abscess, bile leakage, placing an intercostal tube
- Esophageal & enteral stenting
- Percutaneous Gastrostomy, PAIR in Hydatid liver
- PCN Pyonephrosis, access for stone removal, ureteral stenting, urinary diversion etc
- Fallopian tube recanalisation, fetal reduction etc
- Vascular interventions: Diagnostic abdominal angiography in case of Takayasu arteritis, renal artery stenosis, GI bleed & Cranial DSA. Diagnostic & interventional venography in case of Budd Chiari syndrome Diagnostic & therapeutic angiography in case of GI bleeds renal bleed etc
US Guided compression of Pseudoaneurysms