Dr. Harshith


Infectious Diseases


  • MBBS: Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute (Bengaluru, Karnataka) 2007-2013
  • MD (General Medicine): Sawai Man Singh Medical College (Jaipur, Rajasthan) 2014-2017
  • Senior Residency (General Medicine): AIIMS (New Delhi) 2018-2020
  • DM (Infectious Diseases): AIIMS (New Delhi) 2020-2023

Professional Synopsis:

Training at the apex institute of India (AIIMS), first as senior resident in General Medicine followed by as academic resident in Infectious Diseases, has provided Dr. Harshith with immense exposure of various clinical scenarios, equipping him to handle tough clinical situations. His training involved approach to and management of pyrexia of unknown origin, sepsis and septic shock, health care associated infections, fungal infections (including invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, mucormycosis, candidemia), postoperative wound infections and SSTIs, complicated intra-abdominal infections, post-neurosurgical intracranial infections, complicated UTIs, bone and joint infections including infected prostheses, infective endocarditis, tropical infections and zoonoses, Tuberculosis (including MDR-TB), HIV and its attendant opportunistic infections, PrEP and PEP for HIV, other sexually transmitted diseases, febrile neutropenia, infections in solid organ transplant and hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients, pre-transplant work-up including vaccination, primary immunodeficiency diseases in adults, implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programme, outbreak investigation, travel and adult immunization.

Areas Of Interest/ Expertise:

  • HIV
  • TB
  • Pyrexia of Unknown Origin
  • PrEP/PEP for HIV
  • STD and LGBTQ health


  • Kadnur HB, Aggarwal A, Soneja M, Singh K, Mittal A, Nischal N, Tirlangi P, Khan AR, Desai D, Gupta A, Kumar A, Jorwal P, Biswas A, Pandey RM, Wig N, Guleria R. Hydroxychloroquine preexposure prophylaxis for COVID-19 among healthcare workers:Initial experience from India. J FamilyMed Prim Care.2022 Mar;11(3):11401145.
  • Paul A, Kadnur HB, Ray A, Chatterjee S, Wig N. Seroprevalence and attainment of herd immunity against SARS CoV-2: A modelling study. J Family Med Prim Care. 2021 Nov;10(11):4030- 4035. doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_830_21. Epub 2021 Nov 29. PMID: 35136763; PMCID: PMC8797069.
  • Gupta A, Khurana S, Das R, Srigyan D, Singh A, Mittal A, Singh P, Soneja M, KumarA, Singh AK, Soni KD, Meena S, Aggarwal R, SharadN, Aggarwal A, Kadnur H, George N, Singh K, Desai D, TrilangiP, Khan AR, Kiro VV, Naik S, Arunan B, Goel S, Patidar D, Lathwal A, Dar L, Trikha A, Pandey RM, Malhotra R, Guleria R, Mathur P, Wig N. Rapid chromatographic immunoassay-based evaluation of COVID-19: A cross-sectional, diagnostic test accuracy study & its implications for COVID-19 management in India. Indian J Med Res. 2021 Jan & Feb;153(1 & 2):126- 131.
  • Kadnur HB, Ray A. Prolonged persistence of SARS-CoV-2 in the upper respiratory tract of asymptomatic infected individuals. QJM. 2021 Apr 27;114(2):139. doi: 10.1093/qjmed/hcaa268. PMID: 32946588; PMCID: PMC7543642.
  • Priyadarshi M, Tirlangi P, Kadnur H, Jadon R. CNS cryptococcosis presenting with cerebellar stroke and spinal arachnoiditis. BMJ Case Rep. 2022 Feb 7;15(2):e246824. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-246824. PMID: 35131790; PMCID: PMC8823087
  • Vinay Kumar, Pradeep Mital, Harshith B., Premlata Mital, Akshay Shekhawat, C. L. Nawal Morbidity patterns in elderly patients attending medicine department of tertiary care center. International Journal of Advances in Medicine, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 180-183, jan. 2017. ISSN 2349- 3933. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/23493933.ijam20170107
  • Training module on extra-pulmonary Tuberculosis- 2023. Co-Author for a chapter on bone and joint TB. Central TB Division. https://tbcindia.gov.in